24 books • 4 series
Theologische ErĂ–Rterungen I-V
Religion Past and Present - Set volumes 1-14 (Religion Past and Present)
Theological Essays II
Religion Past and Present, Volume 10 (Pet-Ref) (Religion Past and Present - Set volumes 1-14, #10)
God's Being is in Becoming
Religion Past and Present, Volume 6 (Hea-Jog) (Religion Past and Present, #6) (Religion Past and Present - Set volumes 1-14, #6)
El Evangelio de La Justificac
Wertlose Wahrheit
Ganz werden
Entsprechungen: Gott - Wahrheit - Mensch
Indikative der Gnade - Imperative der Freiheit
Unterwegs zur Sache
Theological Essays
Christ, Justice and Peace (Criminal Practice)
Freedom of a Christian
Karl Barth
Gottes Sein Ist Im Werden
Karl Barth, a Theological Legacy
God as the Mystery of the World
God as Mystery of the World
Doctrine of the Trinity (Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology; 4)
Zum Ursprung Der Analogie Bei Parmenides Und Heraklit