Nesta Helen Webster (nee Bevan, 1876-1960), was educated at Westfield College in London, and worked as a journalist and writer. She initially specialized in writing about conspiracy theories, and is likely most responsible for reviving belief in the far-fetched Illuminati conspiracy. However, by the early 1920s, she had discovered the international Jewish lobby, and focused her attention in that direction, becoming the lead writer for the Patriot newspaper. Webster's support for Hitler-as outlined in this book, published in 1938-dissipated after the unexpected Nazi-Soviet Pact of August 1939, which she saw as a betrayal to the Jewish lobby. Devastated at the turn of events, and the worst war in history that followed-which she predicted in this book-Webster retired from active politics and writing, and lived in relative obscurity until her death at the age of 84.