200 books • 18 series
Kids' Guide to Birds of Virginia (Birding Children's Books)
Kids' Guide to Birds of New York (Birding Children's Books)
Bird Feathers & Eggs of the Midwest (Adventure Quick Guides)
Bird Feathers & Eggs of the Northeast (Adventure Quick Guides)
Whose Feather Is That? (Wildlife Picture Books)
Trees of New England Field Guide
The Kids' Guide to Birds of Washington (Birding Children's Books)
Forest Mamas and Babies (Wildlife Families)
Mountain Mamas and Babies (Wildlife Families)
Lake Mamas and Babies (Wildlife Families)
Prairie Mamas and Babies
Birds of Nevada Field Guide (Bird Identification Guides)
Bears of North America (Favorite Wildlife)
Owls (Favorite Wildlife)
The Kids' Guide to Birds of Pennsylvania (Birding Children's Books)
Attracting & Feeding Cardinals (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
Attracting & Feeding Orioles (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
Attracting & Feeding Bluebirds (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
Attracting & Feeding Finches (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
Attracting & Feeding Woodpeckers (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
Attracting & Feeding Hummingbirds (Backyard Bird Feeding Guides)
The Kids' Guide to Birds of the Carolinas (Birding Children's Books)
Wolves, Coyotes & Foxes (Favorite Wildlife)
Hummingbirds (Favorite Wildlife)