NANCY CASTALDO has written books about our planet for over 20 years. She is a Nat Geo certified educator. Her previous National Geographic titles include Mission Polar Bear Rescue and This or That 3. Her 2016 title, The Story of Seeds, introduces readers to the importance of seeds, farming, and the agriculture challenges we currently face. It is listed on the National Agriculture Curriculum, received the Green Earth Book Award, and is a JLG Selection. She has conducted programs at the Boston Children's Museum, Atlanta Zoo, and Tennessee Aquarium, and has spoken at the Science Teachers Association of New York State, NCTE, Texas Library Association, and New England SCBWI.
CHRISTY MILHALY'S book Diet for a Changing Climate: Food for Thought (co-written with Sue Heavenrich) explores this issue and offers pointers on preparing environmentally friendly--and tasty--meals using invasive plants, animals and insects. Diet for a Changing Climate was designated as recommended reading by the Green Earth Book Award. Milhaly also helped write National Geographic Kids' Junior Ranger Activity Book. She has published other nonfiction books on topics including nature, history, politics, and crafts. Milhaly earned degrees from Dartmouth College and the University of California, Berkeley.