25 books • 2 series
Under Indian Skies
The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 6 of 46
The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 5 of 45: Formerly the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, Founded in 1849, as the Kilkenny Archaeological Society (Classic Reprint)
Cryptomenysis Patefacta, or Art of Secret Information Disclosed Without a Key: Containing Plain and Demonstrative Rules, for Decyphering All Manner of Secret Writing; With Exact Methods for Resolving Secret Intimations by Signs or Gestures, or in Speech;
The Journal of the Royal Society of the Antiquaries of Ireland, 1919, Vol. 49: Formerly the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland (Classic Reprint)
A Series of Tables and Diagrams Illustrating Economy in Cutting: Being Economical Methods for Cutting Out Garments (Classic Reprint)
The Mughals: Life, Art and Culture
Burmese Design & Architecture
Waterhouse Albums
Cryptomenysis Patefacta; Or, the Art of Secret Information Disclosed Without a Key. Containing, Plain and Demonstrative Rules, for Decyphering
Terrorism, Instability, and Democracy in Asia and Africa (Northeastern Series on Democratization and Political Develop)
Catalogue of the Collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Catalogue of the Collections of Aurel Stein
India: Pioneering Photographers 1850-1900
Reverie and Reality: Nineteenth-century Photographs of India from the Ehrenfeld Collection
A Shifting Focus
Myanmar Style
Singapore, Vision of the Past 1880-1910
Sail and Steam
Local Difficulties
Stopovers in Scotland
History of Agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860
Mirrour of Created Perfection (English Recusant Literature S.)