Jan Rutherford is a former Green Beret and founder of Self-Reliant Leadership® where he coaches executives, and leads Crucible® wilderness expeditions with executives and veterans. Jan has over 25 years of business experience and has held executive roles in business development, marketing, sales, training, product management, and as a CEO. For 15 years, he was a Senior Instructor with the University of Colorado Denver Business School, teaching leadership to MBA students in the U.S. and Ireland. He’s the co-host of The Leadership Podcast, and also serves on numerous boards, and invests time with select DOD units and veteran organizations.

Jacquie Jordan, a graduate of West Point and Teacher’s College, Columbia University, is passionate about improving work through leader and organizational development. Jacquie cultivated this passion while serving as a logistics officer in the US Army, including assignments as an assistant professor at the United States Military Academy, a tour with the United States Army Special Operations Command, and culminating as a Legislative Liaison working to advance US Army personnel policy. Jacquie deployed to combat four times where she led small and large teams in support of operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. As a consultant, Jacquie brings her expertise to teams to increase the capacity of leaders to lead, teams to build trust, and organizations to produce results.