43 books • 3 series
When Faith Meets Reason
Blasphemies & Revelations
Top Secret
The Paperback Apocalypse
The Contents and Origin of the Acts of the Apostles
The Reason Driven Life
The Eye for Innovation
The Da Vinci Fraud
The New Lovecraft Circle
Incredible Shrinking Son of Man
Acolytes of Cthulhu
Deconstructing Jesus
Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos
Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition Pack
Antarktos Cycle
The Hastur Cycle
Black Forbidden Things (Starmont Studies in Literary Criticism S., v. 44.)
The Apartheid State in Crisis
H.P.Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos (Starmont Studies in Literary Criticism S., v. 33.)