43 books • 1 series
Geschichte Der Religion Jesu Christi (28)
Travels Through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily, Tr. by T. Holcroft
Geschichte Der Religion Jesu Christi (22, #2)
Hymn to the Earth, &C. Translated from the German of Count Frederic Leopold Stolberg; By the REV. John Whitehouse, ...
Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Translated from the German of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg, by Thomas Holcroft. In four volumes. ... The second edition. Volume 3 of 4
Travels Through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Translated from the German of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg, by Thomas Holcroft. in Four Vo
Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Translated from the German of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg, by Thomas Holcroft. In four volumes. ... The second edition. Volume 4 of 4
Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily
Reise in Deutschland, Der Schweiz, Italien Und Sicilien. Dritter Band.
Gedichte Der Bruder Christian Und Friedrich Leopold
Briefe Friedrich Leopolds Grafen Zu Stolberg Und Der Seinigen an Johann Heinrich Voss
Die Gedichte Von Ossian, Dem Sohne Fingals, Erster Band.
Geschichte Der Religion Jesu Christi, Von F.L., Grafen Zu Stolberg (Fortgesetzt Von F. V. Kerz, J.N. Brischar). Bd.1-53 [In 55 PT. Vol.1-15 Only Are O
Travels Through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily (Volume 2); Translated from the German of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg
Travels Through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily (Volume 1); Translated from the German of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg
Die Gedichte Von Ossian, Dem Sohne Fingals, Volume 3
Geschichte Der Religion Jesu Christi, Von F.L., Grafen Zu Stolberg (Fortgesetzt Von F. V. Kerz, J.N. Brischar). Bd.1-53 [In 55 PT. Vol.1-15 Only Are of the New Ed. No More Publ.]. Universal ... Register [Of Vol.1-15] Bearb. Von J. Moritz, Erster Band
Ein Buchlein Von Der Liebe
Friedrich Leopold Graf Zu Stolberg, Matthias Claudius