35 books • 3 series
Reed Concise Guide: Orchids of Australia
Reed Concise Guide: Lilies of Australia
A Field Guide to Australian Orchids: Epiphytes
Reed Concise Guide Trees of Australia
Exploration of Collateral Data Potentially Applicable to Great Lakes Hydrography and Fisheries
Overcome Procrastination
Stop Procrastination
A Modern Guide to Old World Singing
Pests, Diseases, Ailments and Allies of Australian Plants
The Ipswich Witch
Starting Out with Cacti
Starting Out with Succulents
Starting Out with Bulbs
The Witches of East Anglia
Starting Out with Vines and Climbers
Journeys Beyond the Neatline (Bruce Peel Special Collections)
Starting Out with Orchids
Famous Name Trains
Posters of the Canadian Pacific
Eirene: a Tribute
Exotic Orchids of Australia
Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants Suitable for Cultivation
A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of Australia Including the Island Territories
Palms Throughout the World