41 books • 2 series
Dr. Boerhaave's Academical Lectures on the Theory of Physic (Volume 3); Being a Genuine Translation of His Institutes and Explanatory Comment, Collated and Adjusted to Each Other, as They Were Dictated to His Students at the University of Leyden.
Boerhaave's Aphorisms; Concerning the Knowledge and Cure of Diseases
Materia Medica...
Elemens De Chymie
Elémens de Chymie, Volume 1...
Dr. Boerhaave's Academical Lectures on the Theory of Physic
Elemens De Chymie, Volume 2
Atrocis, Rarissimique Morbi Historia Altera
Elemens de Chymie, Volume 6
Elemens De Chymie, Volume 5
Hermanni Boerhaave Praelectio Publica de Calculo.
Methodus Discendi Artem Medicam, in Duas Partes Divisa; ...
A Treatise on the Venereal Disease
Libellus de Materie Medica Et Remediorum Formulis Quae Serviunt Aphorismis de Cognoscendis Et Curandis Morbis
Hermanni Boerhaave [...] Tractatus de Viribus Medicamentorum
Boerhaave's Orations (Publications of the Sir Thomas Browne Institute, New, #4)
Atrocis, nec descripti prius, morbi historia, 1724 (Dutch Classics on History of Science, #9)