Born in India, Joyeeta Gupta obtained her Masters in International Law at Harvard Law School and her PhD in International Law at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has been a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), the Vrije Universiteit, since 1993. She taught water law from 1992 to 2000 at the International Institute for Hydraulic Engineers (IHE) in Delft. Her research work currently focusses on India's energy problems. Among other activities, she is a Trustee of the North Sea Foundation and the Foundation for International Security. During the Hague climate negotiations in 2000, she played an active role, in particular working closely with Third World delegations.

Her books include:
Gupta, J. (2000). On Behalf of My Delegation: A Guide for Developing Country Climate Negotiators, Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas, Washington D.C.
Gupta, J. and M. Grubb (eds.) (2000). Climate Change and European Leadership: A Sustainable Role for Europe, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Vellinga, P., F. Berkhout and J. Gupta (eds.) (1998). Managing a Material World: Reflections on Industrial Ecology, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Gupta, J. (1997). The Climate Change Convention and Developing Countries - From Conflict to Consensus?, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Maya, S. and J. Gupta (eds.) (1996). Joint Implementation: Weighing the Odds in an Information Vacuum, Southern Centre on Energy and Environment, Zimbabwe.