82 books
The Golden Treasury of Longer Poems, Selected & Ed
The Garden of Romance; Romantic Tales of All Time
The Shorter Byron: Lyrics and Other Poems; Satirical and Occasional Verse; Letters (Classic Reprint)
Enid: A Lyric Play (Classic Reprint)
Modern English Essays, Vol. 4
The Masque of the Grail (Classic Reprint)
Lays of the Round Table
Everyman's Lbrary: Fiction (Classic Reprint)
Rabindranath Tagore
Everyman, with other interludes, including eight miracle plays
The Leaf Burners, and Other Poems
The Whistling Maid
English Fairy Tales
A treatise of human nature . By
The Haunters & The Haunted
The Virginians. By
Literary Pamphlets Chiefly Relating to Poetry from Sidney to Byron
The reign of Mary Tudor. By
The Garden of Romance
English traits, Representative men, & other essays By
Essays and Letters
A London Rose And Other Rhymes
Frederic Lord Leighton
The fiddler of Carne (1896) Prose By