19 books • 3 series
Care and State Pension Reform Interactions between state pension and long-term care reforms: a summary of further findings
Care and State Pension Reform: The interaction of inflation indices July 2018
Care and State Pension Reform: The Conservative Party manifesto proposal to include housing wealth in the means test for home care: how might it affect public spending on long-term care for older people
Care and State Pension Reform: Projecting the costs of local authority funded home care for older people: The impacts of potential expansion of the eligibility criteria
Care and State Pension Reform: Indicative revenue effects on pensions and pensioners
Care and State Pension Reform Interactions between state pension and long-term care reforms: a summary of findings
Care and State Pension Reform State Pension and Long-term Care Funding Reforms: the costs and distributional effects of alternative uprating policies: Technical Report
Care and State Pension Reform Long-term care funding – a comparison between England, Wales and Scotland
Are 'poor' Pensioners 'deprived'? (DWP Report, #364)
The Future Demand for Long-term Care in the UK
Attitudes to Inheritance
Home-ownership in Later Life
To Have and to Hold
The Outlook for Incomes in Retirement: Social Trends and Attitudes
Opinions on Pensions
Pensioners' Expenditure
More Ways Than Means
Long Term Effects of Being a Carer (Studies in Ageing)
Life After 60 (Gerontology data service)