64 books • 1 series
The Universalist Pulpit; Containing Sermons
A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for the Use of Universalist Societies and Families
A Series of Letters Between the REV. Joseph Buckminster, the REV. Joseph Walton, and the REV. Hosea Ballou
Nine Sermons on Important Doctrinal and Practical Subjects (Volume 20); Delivered in Philadelphia, November, 1834
Nine Sermons on Important Doctrinal and Practical Subjects; Delivered in Philadelphia, November, 1834
Counsel and Encouragement; Discourses on the Conduct of Life
Notes on the Parables; Of the New Testament, Scripturally Illustrated and Argumentatively Defended
Select Sermons, Delivered on Various Occasions from Important Passages of Scripture
The Ancient History of Universalism; From the Time of the Apostles to Its Condemnation in the Fifth General Council, A. D. 553 with an Appendix, Tracing the Doctrine Down to the Era of the Reformation
Ancient History of Universalism; From the Time of the Apostles to the Fifth General Council with an Appendix, Tracing the Doctrine to the Reformation
Miscellaneous Poems (Volume 25)
An Examination of the Doctrine of Future Retribution; On the Principles of Morals, Analogy and the Scriptures
The Ancient History of Universalism; From the Time of the Apostles, to Its Condemnation in the Fifth General Council, A.D. 553
Hosea Ballou, 2D, D. D., First President of Tufts College; His Origin, Life, and Letters
Notes on the Parables of the New Testament
Nine Sermons on Important Doctrinal and Practical Subjects
A Review of Professor Stuart's Arguments in Defense of Endless Misery
A Collection of Valuables
Hosea Ballou, First President of Tufts College
A Treatise on Atonement; In Which the Finite Nature of Sin Is Argued, Its Cause and Consequences as Such the Necessity and Nature of Atonement And, Its Glorious Consequences, in the Final Reconciliation of All Men to Holiness and Happiness
A Review of Some of Professor Stuart's Arguments in Defence of Endless Misery; Published in the American Biblical Repository, July 1840
The Gospel Visitant, Volume 1
The Universalist Hymnbook