20 books
Teaching of Huna
Huna, Growing into Light
Huna, a Secret Science at Work - the Huna Method as a Way of Life
Huna, Recovering the Ancient Magic
Huna, the Secret Science Behind Miracles
Huna and Self Suggestion
Introduction to Huna: the Workable Psycho-Religious System of the Polynesians
Self-Suggestion: And the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis
The Secret Science Behind Miracles: With Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis
The Secret Science Behind Miracles: Huna Magic and Ho'Opono, Ho'Oponopono Instant Healing
Recovering the Ancient Magic
Self Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis. Ho'Opono, Ho'Oponopono Healing
What Jesus Taught in Secret
Secret Science at Work
The Secret Science Behind Miracles
Growing Into Light
Psychometric Analysis
Self-Suggestion and the Huna Theory of Hypnosis
Huna Code in Religions