Brian McManus lives on the outskirts of Glasgow with his wife and enjoys the company of his children and grandchildren who live nearby. As a former Serious Crime Squad Detective Officer Brian played a central role in the international criminal enquiry following the terrorist bombing of a Pan Am jet airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 with the loss of 270 lives. His collection of poetry, prose and photographs recounting the events of those times was published as Blue Daze, Black Knights - The Story of Lockerbie in 1999. Having now stepped away from the world of work, Brian spends his time reading and writing poetry reflecting on our increasingly challenging world, and in his own small way holding to account those who abdicate their responsibility for managing it and the lack of support for those who inhabit it. Liar Liar, his latest book of poems, are the latest sure-footed steps on Brian's very important journey, which includes other previous work published in past and pending poetry publications and online. Upcoming poetry projects will include a major focus on the impacts of climate change on our planet and ourselves, of the near prospect of an uninhabitable earth due to intolerable temperatures and rising sea levels and all that along with the ostensible minutiae which feeds into and disproportionately affects all of our lives on a daily basis. Staying healthy in a Covid environment presents its own challenges right across the globe and the poetry pamphlet Liar Liar looks closely at the impacts on the western world and in particular the UK and the USA and the dearth of both intellect and ability amongst our political leadership for managing and directing a meaningful response to such an all-encompassing disease. The increasingly rapid decline of western civilisation and the imminent threats and danger to the existing world order will form yet another investigative strand in an increasingly complex response through the medium of poetry.