21 books • 3 series
IIFYM Snacks (Iifym (If It Fits Your Macros))
Scotland Now
Europe's Path to Crisis
Outcast Europe: The Balkans, 1789-1989: From the Ottomans to Milosevic
Divided Scotland
The Illusion of Freedom: Scotland Under Nationalism
The Illusion of Freedom (Columbia/Hurst)
Romania and the European Union
Modern Romania
The Balkans in the New Millennium (Outcast Europe)
The Balkans After the Cold War: From Tyranny to Tragedy
The Balkans After the Cold War (Outcast Europe)
Outcast Europe
The Psychology of Personal Constructs
Outcast Europe: The Balkans, 1789-1989
The "Smiths"
Romania After Ceausescu
Glasgow - The Uneasy Peace
Contemporary Irish Studies