In addition to being a well-known author, Suresh is a dynamic former GE executive-turned-entrepreneur who exemplifies pragmatic business leadership, technology insights, and a deep understanding of commercializing innovations for lasting impact and transformational economic growth.Unlike a traditional specialist, be it a professional executive, academician, investor, or subject-matter-expert, Suresh believes that "life is the final arbiter", and therefore, he seamlessly endeavors to weave all that it takes into a holistic tapestry for meaningful societal outcomes. He has shared his life and professional career not only through widely applauded business books but also through a number of peer-reviewed and well-cited scholarly journal papers. Several times, his reviewers described him as "one intellectual business leader".At the core of his career and life-long passion lies his proven hands-on ability to build integrated innovation ecosystems for economic growth with sustainability ("Vision-to-Impact"), including alignment with community, policies, culture, and capital. It would result in a futuristic community or a city where people can live, work, recreate, innovate, and commercialize to unleash their full potential. In the book Industrializing Innovation (2019), he insightfully brings out the immense human potential that is yet to be unleashed in the 21st century. The best is yet to come.Working in top global industry and technology R&D organizations like GE Global Research, GE Energy, British Aerospace, NASALangley, and Georgia Institute of Technology, he successfully ran major Operations, led P&Ls, and built startups. Suresh uniquely demonstrates a 3600 understanding of what it takes to commercialize "deep tech" from an industrial or university R&D system to the marketplace. These include industrial, real estate, and today's digital technologies. With the above-mentioned overarching passion, he founded Open Range Capital Partners (2018) and has significantly contributed to various large smart city or iHUB projects (each project over 100s of million dollars), especially at Gainesville, FL, Oklahoma City, OK, Atlanta, GA, and Clarksville in Southern Indiana, and nearby Kentucky region.Earlier in the 1990s, he was a core member of the pioneering GE globalization team that paved the way and laid the foundation of today's BPO industry in India, China, Mexico, Canada, and Europe. His first book in 2005 - Global Outsourcing - was a by-product of these experiences in globalizing businesses.Later, in 2005, Suresh joined hands with Dr. Jag Sheth to be part of a non-profit policy research institute that Jag had founded for emerging markets - the India China and America Institute (https: // - an idea and an organization that has stood the test of time for over two decades.Suresh has advanced educational degrees and professional training in mechanical and aerospace engineering, business management, and global leadership from BITS, Pilani (India), British Aerospace (UK), University of Florida (U.S.), and General Electric (U.S.).