40 books
Systematic Mineralogy Based on a Natural Classification: With a General Introduction (Classic Reprint)
Contributions to the Chemistry of Natural Waters
Etudes Sur Les Schistes Cristallins
The Geognosy of the Appalachians and the Origin of Crystalline Rocks
Coal and Iron in Southern Ohio; The Mineral Resources of the Hocking Valley Being an Account of Its Coals, Iron-Ores, Blast-Furnaces, and Railroads, with a Map
A New Basis for Chemistry; A Chemical Philosophy
The Hunt and Douglas Process for Extracting Copper from Its Ores. with an Appendix Including Notes on the Treatment of Silver and Gold Ores
Report on the Goderich Salt Region
The Geognosy of the Appalachians and the Origin of Crystalline Rocks; An Address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science by
Systematic Mineralogy Based on a Natural Classification. with a General Introduction
Coal and Iron in Southern Ohio
Mineral Physiology and Physiography: A Second Series of Chemical and Geological Essays, With a General Introduction (Classic Reprint)
A New Basis for Chemistry
Special Report on the Trap and Dykes and Azoic Rocks of Southerneastern Pennysylvania
Chemical and Geological Essays
Chemical and Geological Essays, by Thomas Sterry Hunt ...