7 books
Memoirs of the Life, Death, Burial, and Wonderful Writings, of Jacob Behmen
Memoirs of the Life, Death, Burial, and Wonderful Writings, of Jacob Behmen; Now First Done at Large Into English, from the Best Edition of His Works in the Original German
Memoirs of the Life, Death, Burial, and Wonderful Writings, of Jacob Behman
Seasonably Alarming and ... Exhilarating Truths Respecting the Nature and Design of Christ's Passion and Concerning the Fallen and Apostate Condition of Universal Christendom in These Last Days.
The distinguished pre-eminence of the Son of Man Exhibited in a series of very striking particulars, taken from the sacred records, and reduced into the form of a hymn Wherein is also included, a summary detail of all our Saviour's miracles
Dawnings of the Everlasting Gospel-Light, Glimmering Out of a Private Heart's Epistolary Correspondence. Now Made Public by Francis Okely, ...
The Indispensable Necessity of Faith, in Order to the Pleasing God