39 books • 4 series
BRIAN HARRADINE (Australian Biographical Monographs 21)
Memoirs of a Cold War Warrior
Grimoire of Stone
Tiberius Goes on Holiday
Tiberius Tales Series (Tiberius Tales)
Tiberius Goes Camping
Ben Goes to the Dentist
Pro Windows Touch
Tiberius and the Rainy Day (Tiberius Tales)
Saying Thank You
Saying Sorry
Saying Please
Saying Hello
What's That?
Tiberius Tales (Tiberius Tales)
Cave Gossip
Tiberius to the Rescue
Alex and the Elephant
Sea Snails on a Black Chow's Tongue
Tiberius and the Snowman
Tiberius Meets Sneaky Cat (Tiberius Tales)
Tiberius at the Seaside
Tiberius and the Magician