56 books • 10 series
Good vs Right
Death's in the Details
Trinity of Suffering
Against All Odds and Fears
Series of Seasons (Seasons, #1)
Blood, Honor, and Time (Blood, Honor, and Time, #3)
Trapped Body and Soul in a Video Game Sequel (Trapped Body and Soul in a Video Game, #2)
Summation (Choice and Consequence, #12)
A Parent's Dedication
Strange Circumstances for Love
Victim and Predator (Choice and Consequence, #11)
Choices Reap Consequences (Choice and Consequence, #10)
A Collection of Shocks and Terrors (Collection of Shocks and Terrors, #10)
The Opposite Direction Trilogy (The Opposite Direction)
Unlikely Heroes
Decaying Kingdom, Everlasting Love
Blood, Honor, and Time Volume 1 (Blood, Honor, and Time, #1)
The Monster and His Mistress
Tested in Faith
Choice and Consequence of Caring for Another (Choice and Consequence, #9)
Gone Nuclear
Choice and Consequence of Being a Dumbass (Choice and Consequence, #8)
Choice and Consequence of Romance
So Good, But So Evil