70 books • 10 series
Iron Honey Gold
Worlds Apart
Further Studies in Philosophical Anthropology (Avebury Series in Philosophy)
Education and Philosophical Anthropology
Nothing Larger Than Life
The Novel and Authenticity (Critical Studies)
Evolution and the Humanities (Avebury Series in Philosophy)
John Newton, Blasphemy and Poetic Taste ("Gadfly" Literary Supplement)
Gustav Mahler and the Courage to be
Selected Poems, 1961-78
English for Meaning
Squash with the Champions
Chance of a Lifetime
Play of Passion
Education, Nihilism and Survival
Lost Bearings in English Poetry (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
The Apple Tree
Sylvia Plath (Bloomsbury Academic Collections: English Literary Criticism)
Children Write Cassette
Masks of Hate
Human Hope and the Death Instinct
Got Use Words Astn Vl 1
Flesh Wounds (Imprint Books) (Echoes of War S.)
Childrens Writing