1,633 books • 29 series
Pray before you overthink (Divine Elevation)
Life is good at the lake (Lake Moments)
At the LAKE we do BEER thirty & WINE o'clock (Lake Moments)
Give it to God and go to sleep (Divine Elevation)
Time doesn't heal all wounds. God does. (Divine Elevation)
Try Again, this time with me - God (Divine Elevation)
Let your faith be bigger than your fear (Divine Elevation)
Put God First and You'll Never Be Last. (Divine Elevation)
Eat Sleep Boat (Lake Moments)
I'm Blessed Beyond Belief. (Divine Elevation)
Keep Calm it's in God's hands (Divine Elevation)
Keep Calm The Lord Will Fight For You (Divine Elevation)
I'ts Handled. - God (Divine Elevation)
Keep calm and call on Jesus (Divine Elevation)
Keep Calm You Have A Big And Powerful God (Divine Elevation)
We are all broken, that's how the light gets in (Deep Quotes, #2)
Keep Calm And Trust Jesus (Divine Elevation)
Relax You're on Lake Time (Lake Moments)
We're On Lake Time (Lake Moments)
She Has The Soul Of A Gypsy, The Heart Of A Hippy, The Spirit Of A Mermaid (My Beachspiration)
Drink Like a PIRATE Dance Like a MERMAID (My Beachspiration)
May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand in your shoes (My Beachspiration)
Life is like the ocean. Everytime a wave knocks down your sandcastle... (My Beachspiration)
The Beach Where Doing Absolutely Nothing Is Doing Something (My Beachspiration)