50 books • 7 series
The Ministry of Women (Handsel booklets)
The Mediation of Christ
Karl Barth: Introduction to Early Theology
Introducing the Psalms
The Christian Frame of Mind
The Trinitarian Faith (T&T Clark Cornerstones)
Reality and Scientific Theology
Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Reformed Churches
Test-tube Babies
Eldership in the Reformed Church
Reality and Evangelical Theology
Christian Doctrine of Marriage
Theology and Scientific Culture (Theology and Scientific Culture, #1)
Divine and Contingent Order
Theology Reconstruction
The Ground and Grammar of Theology
Belief in Science & Christian Life
Calvin's Doctrine of Man
Space, Time and Resurrection
Centrality of Christ
Theology in Reconciliation
Royal Priesthood
Space, Time and Incarnation (Galaxy Books)
Theological Science (Galaxy Books)