44 books • 1 series
Cloud Surfing
Jim Champy on What's Really Working in Business (Collection)
Real Health Care Reform
Averting the Financial Collapse of Our Health Care "System"
Reengineering Health Care
The Pull of Customers, the Push of Processes
What I Learned from Peter Drucker
Simplifying Complexity
Compete by Bursting the Bubble
Piggybacking to Success
Reengineering the Rules of Management
The Profitable Road to (Business) Harmony
Value Process, Value Proposition
Eight Mistakes Every Reengineer Should Avoid
Compete by Meeting Unmet Needs
Compete by Changing
Inspire! (Financial Times)
Compete by Changing Your Fram of Reference
What Could Be More Inspiring Than a Trusted Channel?
Compete by Doing Everything Yourself
What Could Be More Inspiring Than a Convenience with Economy?
Compete by Simplifying Complexity