15 books • 7 series
Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
The Vocation of Man
The Science of Rights (Classic Reprint)
The Vocation of the Scholar & The Vocation of Man (Fichte, #2)
New Exposition of the Science of Knowledge (Classic Reprint)
Lectures on the Theory of Ethics (1812) (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
L'Initiation a la Vie Bienheureuse (Bibliotheque Des Textes Philosophiques - Poche)
The Closed Commercial State (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
The Philosophical Rupture between Fichte and Schelling (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
The Science of Knowing (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Foundations of Natural Right (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
Doctrine Science Nova Methode (Ldp Class.Philo)
Nouvelle Presentation de la Doctrine de la Science 1797-1798 (Textes Et Commentaires)
The Science of Knowledge (Texts in German Philosophy)
Deutsche Philosophie