Dr Gary Jones, @DrGaryJones, has been involved in education for over thirty years and has extensive experience as senior leader. Gary has a doctorate in educational management from the University of Bristol, with his dissertation focussing on the use of school development plans in primary schools. Gary has written extensively about educational leadership in his blog Evidence-Based Educational Leadership: https: //evidencebasededucationalleadership.blogspot.com

Gary is a Fellow of the Center for Evidence-Based Management and is also an associate of the Expansive Education Network based at the University of Winchester, where he supports teachers engage in evidence-based practice.

In recent years Gary has spoken about evidence-based school leadership at a number of conferences both in the United Kingdom and abroad - including Sydney, Melbourne, New York, Washington DC and Gothenburg.

Jun 18, 2016
Cover of Amsterdam


May 28, 2016
Cover of Lisbon


May 19, 2016
Cover of Venice


Apr 26, 2016
Cover of South Africa

South Africa

Oct 8, 2015
Cover of Don't Be Stupid!

Don't Be Stupid!