761 books
"Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, to the Congregation of the Thessalonians"-2, poetry
so many moons, haiku and senryu
A dragonfly darts, haiku and senryu
The man drinking beer alone-haiku, senryu, and anomalies
schizophrenia, haiku and senryu
electrum, haiku and senryu
The mandolin player, haiku and senryu
yellow lichens, haiku and senryu
wind-blown forest, haiku and senryu
half built dark homes-haiku, senryu, and anomalies
snake-line of geese, haiku and senryu
over crunchy leaves, haiku and senryu
beside the statue of a dead man, haiku and senryu
A fat mouse waddles, haiku and senryu
A man with a moon head, haiku and senryu
dog pooping on his shoe-haiku, senryu, and anomalies
woman in a flapping dress, haiku and senryu
wildflowers, haiku and senryu
deer tracks in the mud, haiku and senryu
you can't smoke in here, haiku narratives
A beaver gnaws a tree, haiku and senryu
anchored freighters, haiku and senryu
"Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, to the Congregation of the Thessalonians," poetry
yellow moons, haiku and senryu