163 books • 3 series
Hugonis Grottii de Jure Belli AC Pacis Libri Tres, in Quibus Jus Naturae [Et] Gentium, Itme Juris Publici Praceipua Explicantur
de Iure Belli AC Pacis Volume 2
de Iure Belli Et Pacis
Christ's Passion, a Tragedie [In Five Acts, in Verse], with Annotations. [Translated by G. Sandys.]
Hugo Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianae (1650)
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books by Hugo Grotius. to Which Is Added a Seventh Book Concerning What Christian Church We Ought to Join Our Selves To. by Mr. Le Clerc. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books, by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. the Seventh Edition, with Additions. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books by Hugo Grotius, Concerning This Question, What Christian Church We Ought to Join Our-Selves To. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. the Fourth Edition, with Additions. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion. by Hugo Grotius. What Christian Church We Ought to Join Ourselves To? by the Said Mr. Le Clerc. the Tenth Edition. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books by Hugo Grotius. to Which Is Added a Seventh Book Concerning What Christian Church We Ought to Join Our Selves To, by Mr. Le Clerc. the Third Edition. Done Into English by John Clarke
The Truth of the Christian Religion In six Books By Hugo Grotius Corrected and Illustrated With Notes by Mr Le Clerc To Which is Added, a Seventh Book, Concerning This Question, What Christian Church we Ought To Join Ourselves To
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books - Primary Source Edition
The Rights of War and Peace
The truth of the Christian religion. In six books, by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and illustrated with notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. To which is added a seventh book, concerning this question, what Christian church we ought to join ourselves to? Ed 6
Hugonis Grottii de Jure Belli AC Pacis Libri Tres, in Quibus Jus Naturae [Et] Gentium, Itme Juris Publici Praceipua Explicantur Volume 1
Grotius on the Rights of War and Peace
On the Origin of the Native Races of America; A Dissertation
Hugo Grotius. de Veritate Religionis Christianae. (1639)
Hugo Grotius de veritate religionis christianae. Cum notulis Joannis Clerici; ... Editio novissima, ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendata.
The Truth of the Christian Religion. In six Books. By Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated With Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. Translated by John Clarke, ... The Sixth Edition
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books. by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes by Mr. Le Clerc. to Which Is Added, a Seventh Book, ... by the Said Mr. Le Clerc
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. to Which Is Added a Seventh Book Concerning This Question, What Christian Church We Ought to Join Our Selves to
Hugo Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christian]. Cum Notulis Joannis Clerici; Accesserunt Ejusdem de Eligenda Inter Christianos Dissentientes Sententia, Et Contra Indifferentiam Religionum