87 books
A disswasive from the sin of drunkenness. By Josiah Woodward, ... A new edition, corrected.
The soldier's monitor. Being serious advice to soldiers, to behave themselves with a just regard to religion and true manhood. By Josiah Woodward, D.D. Publish'd by Her Majesty's special command.
The Divine Original, and Incomparable Excellency of the Christian Religion, as Founded on the Holy Scriptures, Asserted and Vindicated
An Account of the Progress of the Reformation of Manners, in England, Scotland, and Ireland. to Which Is Added, Her Majesty's Proclamation for the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, ... the Fourthteenth [sic] Edition with Additions
The Seamen's Monitor; Advice to Sea-Faring Men, with Reference to Their Behaviour Before, In, and After Their Voyage. with Prayers for Their Use. the Fourteenth Edition
An Account of the Progress of the Reformation of Manners, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and Other Parts of Europe and America. Also, the Special Obligations of Magistrates, ... the Twelfth Edition with Considerable Additions.
The Seaman's Monitor
An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Religious Societies, in the City of London, &C. and of Their Endeavours for Reformation of Manners. by Josiah Woodward, ... the Third Edition, Enlarged.
A Disswasive from Gaming. by a Minister of the Church of England.
The Seaman's Monitor; Or, Advice to Sea-Faring Men, with Reference to Their Behaviour Before, In, and After Their Voyage. with Prayers for Their Use. ... by Josiah Woodward, ... the Seventh Edition.
The Young Man's Monitor; Shewing the Great Happiness of Early Piety; And the Dreadful Consequences of Indulging Youthful Lusts. the Eleventh Edition, Corrected. by Josiah Woodward,
A Disswasive from the Sin of Drunkenness. by Josiah Woodward, D.D. ...
The Greivous [sic] Scandal of Prophane Language in Conversation. The Second Edition
The Seaman's Monitor; Or, Advice to Sea-Faring Men, with Reference to Their Behaviour Before, In, and After Their Voyage. with Prayers for Their Use. ... by Josiah Woodward, ... the Fifth Edition.
An Earnest Perswasive to the Serious Observance of the Lord's Day. by a Minister of the Church of England.
The Baseness and Perniciousness of the Sin of Slandering and Backbiting. by Josiah Woodward, ... the Seventh Edition.
A Kind Caution to Prophane Swearers. by a Minister of the Church of England.
The Soldier's Monitor. Being Serious Advice to Soldiers, to Behave Themselves with a Just Regard to Religion and True Manhood. by Josiah Woodward, ... the Fourth Edition, Corrected.
The Seaman's Monitor; Or, Advice to Sea-Faring Men, with Reference to Their Behaviour Before, In, and After Their Voyage. with Prayers for Their Use. ... by Josiah Woodward, ... the Fourth Edition.
The Baseness and Perniciousness of the Sin of Slandering and Back-Biting. by Josiah Woodward,
A Kind Caution to Profane Swearers. by Josiah Woodward, ... a New Edition, Corrected.
Fair Warnings to a Careless World, or the Serious Practice of Religion Recommended by the Admonitions of Dying Men, ... by Josiah Woodward, ... the Fourth Edition.
An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Religious Societies in the City of London, &c. and of Their Endeavours for Reformation of Manners. by Josiah Woodward, D.D. the Sixth Edition
An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Religious Societies, in the City of London, &c. and of Their Endeavours for Reformation of Manners. By Josiah Woodward, ... The Seventh Edition, With a Preface by the Editors