53 books • 11 series
Digitizing Government (Business in the Digital Economy)
Inter-War Penal Policy and Crime in England
Diffraction of Scalar Waves by a Circular Aperture
Tackling Anti Social Behaviour in Scotland
Family Teacher Resource
Hunting the Kinnayas
When Your Body Gets the Blues
Changing Face of Party Pol Brit
Design of Long-Life Flexible Pavements for Heavy Traffic (TRL report, #250)
The Scottish Electorate (International Library of African)
Discovery Road (Eye Classics)
Teenage Fiction
Smart Way to Relax, the (2 Cassettes)
Organisational Culture
Lockhead Constellation
Douglas DC-3
Creating a Business-based IT Strategy
Religious Education Across the Curriculum
Handbook of Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Yeast Molecular Genetics
Energy Recovery Through Waste Combustion
Maximizing Memory Power
Church Publicity Book