48 books • 3 series
The Chald'an Oracles of Zoroaster
Numbers of the Apocalypse - Pamphlet
Pythagorean Views on Numbers - Pamphlet
Gold Its 10 Varieties and the Kamea of 6 - Pamphlet
Pythagorean Views on Numbers
An Introduction to the Life, Work and Success of Nicholas Flammel
The Two Systems of Allotting the Sephiroth to the Alchemic Principles and Metals
Gold Its 10 Varieties and the Kamea of 6
Pythagoras, His Tenets and His Followers
Numbers of the Apocalypse
Kabalistic View on Numbers
The Practical Kabalah
The Two Systems of the Sephiroth to the Alchemic Principles and Metals
The Kabalah
Oraculos Caldeos
Sepher Yetzirah
Collectanea Hermetica
Rosicrucians, Past and Present, at Home and Abroad
Introduction to the Study of the Kaballah
Occult Power of Numbers
The Magical Mason (Roots of the golden dawn)
Introduction to the Study of the Kaballah Including the Sepher Yetzirah
Isiac Tablet of the Bembine Table of Isis
Numbers (Triamazikamno Editions, #54)