26 books
A Revision of the Ants of the Genus Formica (Linne) Mayr
Collected Papers Volume 5
Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition Volume 5-9
Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition; A Contribution to the Myrmecology of Africa
The Embryology of Blatta Germanica and Doryphora Decemlineata
Notes on the Habits of European and North American Cucujidae (Sens. Auct.)
Guide to the Insects of Connecticut
Sync Lidium Pellucidum; A New Marine Triclad
Studies on Myrmecophiles (1908) (Volume 1)
A Contribution Insect Embryology
A Study of Some Social Beetles in British Guiana and of Their Relations to the Ant-Plant Tachigalia
Neuroblasts In The Arthropod Embryo (1891)
The Phylogeny Of The Termites (1904)
Ants; Their Structure, Development and Behavior
Collected Papers on Ants
The Ants of the Baltic Amber
A Contribution to Insect Embryology
New Species of Dolichopodidae from the United States
The Behavior Of The Centrosomes In The Fertilized Egg Of Myzostoma Glabrum, Leuckart (1895)
Ants and Some Other Insects; An Inquiry Into the Psychic Powers of These Animals
A New Genus Of Dolichopodidae From Florida (1898)
A New Myzostoma Parasitic In A Starfish (1905)
A New Peripatus From Mexico (1898)