222 books • 38 series
Pat-a-Cake takes you and your child on a magical journey. From sharing the very first baby book to watching your little one read all by themselves. The adventure begins here . . .
Mystery Mountain Picture Book (PJ Masks)
What Do Animals Do All Day?: Butterfly (What Do Animals Do All Day?)
What Do Animals Do All Day?: Whale (What Do Animals Do All Day?)
Have You Heard Of?: Beyoncé (Have You Heard Of?)
Flip-Flap Feelings: Farm (Flip Flap Feelings)
Flip-Flap Feelings: Jungle (Flip Flap Feelings)
Are You a Carrot? (Are You A...)
Are You a Ladybird? (Are You A...)
Clap Hands: Here Come the Cars (Clap Hands)
Clap Hands: Here Come the Robots (Clap Hands)
Peek and Play: City
Are You a Frog? (Are You A...)
Are You a Banana? (Are You A...)
Have You Heard Of?: Taylor Swift (Have You Heard Of?)
Have You Heard Of?: Harry Styles
Who's in the Pumpkin?
Happy Baby: Hug (Happy Baby)
Find Out About: Children Like Me (Find Out About)
Have You Heard Of?: William Shakespeare (Have You Heard Of?)
Happy Baby: Kiss (Happy Baby)
Fold-Out Friends: Whose Ears? (Fold-Out Friends)
Fold-Out Friends: Whose Tail? (Fold-Out Friends)
Woof! (Ready Steady...)
Snap! (Ready Steady...)