37 books
The Dark Sunrise
Synopsis of the Fresh Water Fishes of the Western Portion of the Island of Trinidad, W. I.
The Fresh Water Fishes
Catalogue of the Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America from Greenland to Georgia
Arrangement Of The Families Of Fishes, Or Classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, And Leptocardii - Prepared For The Smithsonian Institution
Arrangement of the Families of Mammals. with Analytical Tables. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution
Arrangement of the Families of Mammals
American Fishes
Arrangement of the Families of Mollusks
Report on Icthyology
Arrangement of the Families of Fishes,
Material for a Bibliography of North American Mammals: Extracted From the Eleventh Volume of the Final Reports of the Survey, Being Appendix B of the Monographs of North American Rodentia (Classic Reprint)
Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United states