43 books • 1 series
The Ordinary of Newgate, His Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words, of the Malefactors Who Were Executed at Tyburn, ... in the Mayoralty of the Right Honble. Robert Westley, Esquire, Lord-Mayor ...
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, ... in the mayoralty of the Right Honble. Sir Robert Godschall, Knt.
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, ... in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Daniel Lambert Esq.
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, on Wednesday the 18th of March, 1740. ... in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Humphry Parsons Esq.
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, ... in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Salter, Knt.
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, ... in the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Barnard, ...
The ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of the malefactors who were executed at Tyburn, ... in the mayoralty of the Right Honourable Henry Marshal, Esq; Lord-Mayor ...
A Cry from the Dead; Or, the Ghost of the Famous MR James Guthrie Appearing. Being the Last Sermon He Preached in the Pulpit of Stirling, Before His Martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661. to Which Is Added, His Last Speech Upon the Scaffold.
A Sermon Preach'd in the Chapel of Newgate, Upon the Particular Desire of Robert Hallam, Under Sentence of Death, for the Murder of His Wife Jane, Then Being Big with Child, Upon Sunday, the 6th of February, 1732. by James Guthrie, ...
A Cry from the Dead; Or, the Ghost of the Famous Mr. James Guthrie Appearing. Being the Last Sermon He Preached ... Before His Martyrdom ... 1661. to Which Is Added, His Last Speech ... His Ten Considerations ...
Bookplates by Henry J. Stock, B.L.
An Album of Drawings
The River Tyne
The River Tyne; Its History and Resources
PowerPoint Presentation
UK Reporting of Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital Reporting
Instructor's Manual
Intellectual Capital and the Capital Markets: Reflections on the Eaa 2002 Symposium. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 16, Issue 1.