57 books • 1 series
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Vol. 73
Typographia, Part 2 (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Printing, Publishing and Libraries)
Typographia, an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing
The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803 Volume 11; From Which Last-Mentioned Epoch It Is Continued Downwards in the Work Entitled "Hansard's Parliamentary Debates." V. 1-36 1066-1625-1801-03
The Art of Printing; Its History and Practice from the Days of John Gutenberg
Typographia 2 Part Set (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Printing, Publishing and Libraries)
Treatise on Printing and Type-Founding
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates
History of the Processes of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gas-Light, Pottery, Glass and Iron...