164 books • 1 series
Principles of Islamic Finance
Finanzierung von KMU Islamische Perspektive
Ägypten Realität und Ambitionen
Halal Market Economy
AEgypten Realitat und Ambitionen
Dawr Suq Al'awraq Almaliat Fa Tanmiat Alaidikhar Fa Misr
Economics of Halal Industry
Egypt Reality and Ambitions
Waqf Governance
Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Rolle der Institution der Waqf
Vers un nouveau role de l'institution de Islamique Waqf
The Role of the Waqf in Achieving Economic Security
Industria Halal
A new role for the institution of waqf
Towards a new role of the institution of waqf
La industria Halal
L'industria halàl
Finanziamento delle PMI
Competitiveness of SMEs in the Arab Countries
Principles Of Corporate social Responsibility In Islam
Financing SMEs
FDI Flows Motivation in the Arab Countries (Ibk Peaper, #83)
Islamic Finance for Small Business