20 books • 3 series
Teologia Bizantina
The Vision of Unity
Witness to the World
The Legacy of St. Vladimir
Imperial Unity and Christian Division (The Church in History, v. 2)
The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church
Espiritualidad Cristiana - Desde Los Origenes
St.Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality
A Study of Gregory Palamas
Rome, Constantinople, Moscow
The Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions (The Church in History)
Catholicity and the Church
Byzantium and the Rise of Russia
Living Tradition
St Gregoire Palamas Et La Mystique Orthodoxe (Maitres Spirituels; 20 Collections Microcosme)
Byzantine Theology
Orthodox Church
Gregoire Palamas. Defense des Saints Hesychastes. Introduction, Texte Critique, Traduction et Notes. Tome II: Triades II, 3 et III, 1-3 (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense, #31)
Gregoire Palamas. Defense des Saints Hesychastes. Introduction, Texte Critique, Traduction et Notes. Tome I: Triades I, 1-3 et II, 1-2 (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense, #30)