200 books • 137 series
Watch Peas Grow (Watch Plants Grow!)
Culture in the Kitchen: Foods of China (Culture in the Kitchen (Gareth Stevens))
Watch Pine Trees Grow (Watch Plants Grow!)
Robotics Club, Thel Teaming Up to Build Robots (Robotics)
Grizzly Bears (Animals That Live in the Tundra)
Toby Keith (Country Music Stars (Hardcover)) (Country Music Stars (Paperback))
Arctic Hares (Animals That Live in the Tundra)
Brad Paisley (Country Music Stars (Hardcover)) (Country Music Stars (Paperback))
CC Sabathia (Today's Superstars (Library)) (Today's Superstars (Paper))
Daily Life Then and Now
Around the Globe (Real Life Readers)
World Holidays (Real Life Readers)
Mummies of Ancient Egypt
Heat in Action (Real Life Readers)
The Great Barrier Reef: Using Graphs and Charts to Solve Word Problems
The Great Barrier Reef (Math for the Real World)
1 More Floor
Crocodiles and Alligators (Big Bad Biters)
Bears (Big Bad Biters)
Spider Biters (Big Bad Biters)
The School Bus Mystery
Dia de la Bandera (Flag Day)
Snakes (Big Bad Biters)
One More Floor!