198 books • 1 series
A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican
Quaats Leben Und Sterben, Od. Eines Gottlosen Reise Nach Dem Ewigen Verderben
The Pilgrim's Progress, in Two Parts, Volume 2
Christian Behaviour
The Pilgrim's Progress, in Two Parts, Volume 1
The Siege of Mansoul, a Drama, in Five Acts [And in Verse; Founded Upon the "Holy War" of John Bunyan, with a Prefatory Notice by H. Sulger.] the Diction of Which Consists Altogether of an Accommodation of Words from Shakespeare and Other Poets.
Scenes from the Pilgrim's Progress. [In Verse.]
The Holy War by John Bunyan Versified by E. J. with an Introductory Essay by the REV. Octavius Freire Owen.
Pilgrim's Progress Part One
A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publicane Wherein Several Great and Weighty Things Are Handled
A True and Impartial Narrative of Some Illegal and Arbitrary Proceedings by Certain Justices of the Peace and Others, Against Several Innocent and Peaceable Nonconformists in and Near the Town of Bedford (1670)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, Or, a Brief and Faithful Relation of the Exceeding Mercy of God in Christ, to His Poor Servant John Bvnyan Wherein Is Particularly Shewed, the Manner of His Conversion, His Fight and Trouble for Sin, (1666)
Light for Them That Sit in Darkness, Or, a Discourse of Jesus Christ, and That He Undertook to Accomplish by Himself the Eternal Redemption of Sinners Also, That the Lord Jesus Addressed Himself to This Work (1675)
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Discovered, the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey / By John Bunyan. (1680)
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Discovered, the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey / By John Bvnyan. (1679)
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out His Dangerous Journey and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country / By John Bunyan. (1688)
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out His Dangerous Journey and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country / By John Bunyan. (1680)
Christian Behaviour, Or, the Fruits of True Christianity Shewing the Ground from Whence They Flow, in Their Godlike Order in the Duty of Relations, as Husbands, Wives, Parents, Children, Masters, Servants (1663)
The Pilgrim's Progress, from This World to That Which Is to Come. Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein Is Set Forth the Manner of the Setting Out of Christian's Wife and Children (1693)
The Jerusalem-Sinner Saved, Or, Good News for the Vilest of Men Being a Help for Despairing Souls, Shewing That Jesus Christ Would Have Mercy in the First Place Offered to the Biggest Sinners / By John Bunyan. (1689)
The Holy War, Made by Christ Upon the Devil, for the Regaining of Man
The Pilgrim's Progress - The Original Classic Edition
Come & Welcome to Jesus Christ, Or, a Plain and Profitable Discourse Upon the Sixth of John, 37 Vers Shewing the Cause, Truth and Manner of the Coming of a Sinner to Jesus Christ, with His Happy Reception and Blessed Entertainment (1678)