12 books • 2 series
'Magic Is No Magic': The Wonderful World of Simon Stevin
'Magic is No Magic'
Scientific Computing on Supercomputers II
The Physics of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (NATO ASI Subseries B, #154)
Polarons and Excitons in Polar Semiconductors and Ionic Crystals (NATO ASI Subseries B, #108)
AB Initio Calculation of Phonon Spectra
Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics Vol. 3
Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics Vol. 2
Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Aspects and New Developments in Magneto-Optics (NATO Science Series B, #60)
Path Integrals (NATO Science Series B, #34)
Elementary Excitations in Solids, Molecules, and Atom (NATO ASI Subseries B, #2)