112 books
Global health
Homeland security and the fiscal year 2002 supplemental appropriations bill
Transportation challenges and solutions in the southwest Washington/Portland metropolitan region
Restrictions on travel to Cuba
Medicare reimbursement for physicians and hospitals
Mine disaster at Quecreek
How to prevent salmon species from disruption or extinction
Supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2003
Title I program
Grazing policy changes proposed by the U.S. Forest Service
Labor, health, and education issues in the state of Hawaii
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies appropriations for fiscal year 2005
Federal funding for stem cell research
Federal Bureau of Investigation's information technology modernization program, Trilogy
Sago Mine disaster and an overview of mine safety
Potential effects of a flat federal income tax in the District of Columbia
Pandemic influenza preparedness
Improving nutrition and health through lifestyle modifications
National Labor Relations Board issues
Palestinian education
Supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2007
Healthcare in the District of Columbia
Conditions and improvements to the District of Columbia public school system