202 books
Small business health insurance
Physician-owned specialty hospitals
The President's budget proposals for fiscal year 2006
Encouraging savings and investment
The future of the Gulf Coast
Encouraging economic self-determination in Indian country
Fostering permanence
U.S.-China economic relations revisited
Offshore tax issues
The alias among us
Barriers to work for individuals receiving social security disability benefits
Health care coverage for small businesses
Examining the administration's plan for reducing the tax gap
Social and economic effects of the methamphetamine epidemic on America's child welfare system
U.S.-Peru trade promotion agreement
Expiring tax provisions
Nomination of Eric Solomon
Our business tax system
Nominations of Alex Azar II, Timothy D. Adams, Suzanne C. DeFrancis, Charles E. Johnson, and Shara L. Aranoff
Nominations of James S. Halpern, Karan K. Bhatia, Susan C. Schwab, Franklin L. Lavin, and Clay Lowery
Cuno and competitiveness
President's fiscal year 2007 budget (revenue proposals)
Border insecurity, take two
Nomination of Hon. Robert J. Portman