83 books • 2 series
A Guide to the Institutions and Charities for the Blind in the United Kingdom
Ielts Writing Band 9 Essays - A Guide to Writing High Quality Ielts Essays
Please God, Which Side is Up?
Lebanon (Studies in Middle Eastern History)
The Nature of the Lord's-Supper, and the Obligations to It, Briefly Consider'd; With a Serious Exhortation to a Due Attendance Upon It
Brief Remarks Upon The Dispute Adjusted About The Proper Time Of Applying For A Repeal Of The Corporation And Test Acts, By Showing That No Time Is Proper (1733)
An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James the First, King of Great Britain
An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Charles I, King of Great Britain. After the Manner of Mr. Bayle. Drawn from Original Writers and State-Papers
Grounds Of Hope For The Salvation Of All Dying In Infancy
A Practical Illustration of the Book of Esther. a Sermon Preach'd to the Society That Supports the Lord's-Day-Morning-Lecture at Little St. Helen's, August 1. 1737. by W. Harris, ...
A Sermon Preached in Crutched-Friers Near Aldgate, Novem. 5. 1713. by W. Harris. ...
The Nature of the Pastoral Office; Or, the Apostle Peter's Exhortation to the Elders of the Church, Briefly Consider'd. a Sermon, Preach'd On, May 7th, 1725. at the Publick Ordination of Mr. John Tren, and Mr. Benjamin Owen
The Case of Sodom and Gomorrah; And of the Israelites in the Wilderness, Practically Considered. in Two Discourses, the One Preached at Crouched-Fryers ... Jan. 9, 1739-40. the Other on ... Octob. 4, 1739. by William Harris, D.D.
Harris's Pocket Journal, for Town and Country
A Wedding-Sermon Preach'd on March the 7th, 1699. by W. Harris
Of the Sin Against the Holy Ghost. a Sermon Preach'd in Crutched-Fryers, April 27. 1718. by W. Harris.
Faithfulness in the Christian Ministry Briefly Represented and Argued. a Sermon, Preach'd at the Publick Ordination of Mr. Thomas Payne, at Stratford by Bow, in the County of Essex, October the 2d, 1729. by W. Harris, D.D.
An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James I. King of Great Britain. After the Manner of Mr. Bayle. Drawn from Original Writers and State-Papers. by William Harris. the Second Edition.
A Sermon Preached to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in the Cities of London and Westminster. June 29. 1702. by W. Harris. ...
Short Remarks Upon the Plea for the Sacramental Test. in a Letter to a Friend
A Sermon Preached on the Publick Thanksgiving, June 7, 1716. Appointed by Authority for Suppressing the Unnatural Rebellion. by W. Harris. ...
Remarks on the History of the Test in Which Some Mistakes Are Corrected, and Some Prejudices Are Obviated.
Of Readiness for the Coming of the Lord. a Sermon Occasioned by the Sudden Death of Mr. Thomas Pickard
The Mischief of Evil Company. a Sermon Preach'd to Young People on Easter-Monday, April 14, 1707. by W. Harris. ...