140 books • 25 series
Gas Warfare At Belleau Wood, June 1918 (Gas Warfare in World War I, #1)
Birmingham Buses After Withdrawal
Hill Farming in England 2016/2017 (Farm Business Survey 2016/2017)
Midland Red Single-Deckers
Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason
Midland Red Double-Deckers
Leicester Buses
Sinatra and the Jack Pack
The Ways of the World
Coventry Buses 1948-1974
Coventry Buses 1914 - 1946
Trams in West Bromwich
West Bromwich Corporation Buses
Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography
Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism
Birmingham Before the Electric Tram
Across Birmingham on the 29A
A Companion to Marx's Capital, Vols. 1 & 2 Shrinkwrapped
A Companion To Marx's Capital, Volume 2
Birmingham City Transport
Etudes Ou Discours Historique Sur La Chute de L'Empire Romain, La Naissance Et Les Progres Du Christianisme, Et L'Invasion Des Barbares
Jameston Local History, Pembrokeshire
The Other Midland Reds
Rebel Cities