24 books • 13 series
Celebrating Kwanzaa (Celebrating Our Holidays)
Fun St. Patrick's Day Crafts (Kid Fun Holiday Crafts!)
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo (Celebrating Holidays)
Madonna (Rebels with a Cause) (American Rebels)
African-American Crafts Kids Can Do! (Multicultural Crafts Kids Can Do!)
American Indian Crafts Kids Can Do! (Multicultural Crafts Kids Can Do!)
El Día de Los Muertos: Una Celebración de la Familia Y La Vida (Day of the Dead: A Latino Celebration of Family and Life) (Dias Festivos)
El Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.: Honramos a Un Hombre de Paz (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Honoring a Man of Peace) (Dias Festivos)
Earth Day Crafts (Fun Holiday Crafts Kids Can Do!)
Day of the Dead (Finding Out about Holidays)
Cinco de Mayo Crafts (Fun Holiday Crafts Kids Can Do!)
Kwanzaa Crafts (Fun Holiday Crafts Kids Can Do!)
St. Patrick's Day Crafts (Fun Holiday Crafts Kids Can Do!)
Kwanzaa (Finding Out about Holidays)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Story of Our Holidays) (Finding Out about Holidays)
Cinco de Mayo: Celebrating Hispanic Pride (Dias Festivos) (Finding Out about Holidays)
Music and Dramatics at Circle Time (Circle Time)
Playtime Props for Toddlers
Transportation Theme-A-Saurus
Instruments (Play & Learn)
Cutting and Pasting (Time to Learn)
Measuring (Time to Learn)
Science (Time to Learn)