Why would a former bank vice president and advertising agency executive choose to write romance novels? "Selling women a sense of their own self-worth beats hyping consumer products any day," Jan Freed says of her newest-and third-career. Her heroines are "strong, gutsy women willing to safeguard traditional values against all odds. Sort of John-Wayne-in-pantyhose types," she explains. Her editors at Superromance expand further: "We love her sassy sense of humor, her energetic, sophisticated writing, and her clever plot twists. Jan's books have it all! They make you laugh. They make you cry. And they make you want to fall in love or appreciate the love you have." Jan is proud to write in a genre that presents a hopeful view of life without diminishing its hardships. A vocal advocate for romance, she is a popular guest speaker in the general business community as well as at writing conferences. Her first book, Too Many Bosses, received a 1995 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award. Three of her books have been nominated for a RITA Award, the romance genre's highest award of excellence. But her greatest rewards, she says, come from the readers in the form of letters and emails. "Getting feedback from people who love the genre as much as I do is my greatest thrill! I invite you to write me at: 1860 FM, 359 #206, Richmond, TX 77469; email Janmfreed@aol.com, or visit www.superauthors.com." Jan lives with her husband, two teenage children, a golden retriever who doesn't retrieve, and a tabby cat who does.