195 books
The Life and Times of Philip Schuyler
The Progress of Four Hundred Years in the Great Republic of the West ..
Harper's Encyclopaedia of United States History from 458 A. D. to 1909, Based Upon the Plan of Benson John Lossing Volume 1
History of the United States of America Volume 1
History of the United States of America
The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution Or, Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence Volume 01
Lossing's Complete History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time
Potter's American Monthly; An Illustrated Magazine of History, Literature, Science, and AR, Volume 1
Harper's Encyclopaedia of United States History from 458 A.D. to 1905 Volume 9
Harper's Encyclopaedia of United States History from 458 A.D. to 1902
Encyclopaedia of United States History from 458 A.D. to 1902
Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America
The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America Volume 03
The Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America, Volume 3
The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America Volume 02
The Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States of America, Volume 3
The Empire State
The National History of the United States, from the Period of the Union of the Colonies Against the French, to the Inauguration of Washington Volume 2
A Pictorial History of the United States. from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
Life of Washington; A Biography, Personal, Military, and Political Volume 1
Life of Washington; A Biography, Personal, Military, and Political Volume 2
Unser Land
Harpers' Popular Cyclopaedia of United States History from the Aboriginal Period, Containing Brief Sketches of Important Events and Conspicous Actors